Concentric Founding Partner, Kjartan Rist Discusses Investment Strategies

This week’s episode of Funding & Disrupting presented by Oura Collective introduces you to the leading investment company, Concentric. Keith Herman interviews Kjartan Rist, the Founding Partner of Concentric and an experienced Venture Capitalist. Kjartan takes us through his journey in the investment industry.

Concentric: A Frisky Investment Partner

In a candid discussion with Kjartan, Keith manages to get in-depth knowledge of Concentric and the types of investments they make. Kjartan tells Keith that they have made 22 investments across Europe as of now. He also reveals that Concentric has led 16 of these 22 investments. Kjartan believes that heading the investment helps to bring better results and profits. Moreover, Rist explains how Concentric provides professional help to early-stage entrepreneurs. The process of leading an investment is a tough nut to crack.

Rist believes that different entrepreneurs need different catering. Venture Capitalists need to understand how to help businesses not only financially but in overall excellence. Keith asks Kjartan about the cheque sizes that Concentric deals with. Kjartan tells how the cheque size varies from 500,000 Euros to 5 million Euros for Concentric.

Keith and Kjartan discuss the recent investments made by Concentric in detail. Kjartan also opens up about Insly and its professional relations. He discusses the investment process in detail and how he found Insly’s idea of digital transformation in the insurance sector unique. It took almost four months for Concentric to complete the investment strategy after due diligence and other paperwork. Today, Insly builds a workflow for insurance industries and creates a hub for insurance professionals.

The Dynamic Idea Behind Concentric

In the podcast, Keith asks Kjartan the idea and evolution of Concentric as a leading investment company. Rist shares how the concept of Concentric was born. It was in the late 90s and early 2000 when Kjartan co-founded DN Capital. It was a US-based fund and Kjartan’s first experience in investment funding. Through his journey in DN Capital, he learned from experience. Steadily, it helped in forming his way of thinking and making investments.

Kjartan told how it brought an American mindset to the European landscape and made it a learning experience for him. However, it was in 2014 that Kjartan met his now business partner Denis Shafranik. They decided to join forces to make investments together. Finally, they decided to form a developed fund structure company for efficient investments. It was how Concentric was actualized.

What makes Concentric Unique?

Concentric has always stood apart from its competitors. When Keith asks Kjartan, “What makes concentric unique?” Rist gave the most honest answer. He explained how there are plenty of entrepreneurs in Europe. These entrepreneurs have so many ideas and talent but lack funding. He even went ahead to tell how the US venture capitalists were different from the European market. In fact, you’ll be amazed to know that Rist believes that the US is 50 years ahead of Europe when it comes to venture capital.

He further explained how in the US, they have family offices, banking, corporates, pension funds, etc. On the contrary, Europe lacks these opportunities.

Being one of its kind in the European market, Concentric is unique in itself. Kjartan quotes three main reasons behind the success and uncommonness of Concentric.

1. Kjartan believes that Concentric takes an activist hands-on venture mindset to stand out of the crowd. Most firms keep a passive approach, making Concentric different. Rist thinks that it is easy to put money in a company, but it is hard to take out that money with profits. It is where Concentrics’s activist hands-on and collaboration mindset comes into play.

2. The second reason that Kjartan holds is their value-adding mindset. He tells how Concentric not only adds money to the early-stage companies but also adds value. They use their values, skills, and experience to boost a start-up. They also help with business development, digital funding, and market knowledge.

3. The third prominent reason Kjartan gives is sarcastic but correct. Rist says that their DNA is international and that they travel and release deals. It has helped them make many investments in countries like Germany, UK, etc. He also tells how they invest a lot into the funds.

A Walk Through the Journey of the Founding Partner Kjartan Rist

Kjartan’s work profile is as unique as his name. He has extensive experience and is one of the best venture capitalists in the European market. Kjartan and his partner built Concentric from scratch. They feel they have learned a lot through the process.

Throughout the podcast, Kjartan points much valuable advice to young entrepreneurs and early-stage start-ups. Kjartan believes in working collaboratively and helpfully. He states how Concentric is not all about money investment. It is much more than that!

What’s in the name?

If you’re wondering what Kjartan means, then we have the answer for you. Well, the first thing Keith curiously asks Kjartan is the story behind his name. Kjartan told how it is an old name and originates from an island. He also jokingly exclaimed how the people of the UK had no chance of pronouncing his name. Thus, they gave him a new name, Charlie. Rist told how he has seen his name get murdered in so many ways.

Kjartan means a sea warrior. When asked about similarities, Kjartan Rist told how he likes to travel and conquer. He also describes how he loves familiarising himself with new environments, cultures, and entrepreneurs.

You’ll gather authentic information about sustaining in the market in today’s time. Kjartan also reveals the mistakes Concentric made in the beginning and how Concentric learned from those mistakes. He also advises people to stay open to new opportunities.

Concentric Story Notes:

  • Backstory of Concentric
  • UK Venture Capital Market Vs European Market
  • What Makes Concentric Different
  • Types and Total Investments
  • Concentric Unique Investment Approach
  • The Investment Strategy of Concentric
  • Advice to Entrepreneurs
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