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Funding & Disrupting Podcast Launch

The wait is finally over! OURA Collective is launching its long-anticipated podcast, Funding & Disrupting, with Keith Herman. Mr. Herman, Founder of IPA Equities and OURA Collective, taps his decades of experience as an entrepreneur and member of the venture capital community to extract and share insights into the complex venture capital funding realm. The podcast digs into the personal stories of top-name Investors and Founders in technology and innovation. Find out how they really got to the funding finish line!

Venture Capital Firms and Technology Executives are lining up to share their stories of reaching the funding finish line. Venture capital funding is plentiful, and so are tech entrepreneurs in need of it to scale their companies. Funding & Disrupting is the perfect opportunity for VCs and Tech entrepreneurs to publicize how they differ from their competitors. Based on the communities’ initial interest on both sides of the aisle, you will have plenty of episodes to sample.

These informative and captivating podcasts take you into the streets and the VC boardrooms, exposing how these investment firms operate and reach consensus before pulling the trigger on an investment. Entrepreneurs take a much-needed respite from the daily grind and share what goes on in the back office and fundraising stage. They share their deepest fears, what keeps them awake at night, their moments of pain, moments of shame, and moments of joy as they cross the funding finish line.

Keith keeps it real, with direct questions to uncover the invaluable information entrepreneurs need to succeed and the information VCs will want to get a competitive advantage. He keeps them on their toes as he covers the basics, the complex, the personal, and the psychology behind the interactions and the transactions. It is informative, provocative, enlightening, and even filled with laughter.

The path to funding always has plenty of unexpected twists and turns. Tune in to see how the top VCs and Tech Entrepreneurs navigate these challenges, join forces and ultimately reach the funding finish line.

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